Sunday, February 21, 2010

List, List, I've Got A List...Do You Have A List?

Everyone has a list. It may be a "to do" list; or it may be a "shopping" list. Whatever it may be, you've got a list. The reason I started blogging is because of a list: you see, an old friend of mine recently got in touch with me and asked if I would like to submit some lists for his blog? Of course I said yes, (as I'm open right now and I'm able to submit a list (or 5) to him). [Yes, I'm busy with work and home (and "Farmville", [that'll be another blog later]) [snicker, yeah I'm super busy, not!]].

(By the way, my friend is Conlon, and his blog is "Conlon's Cavalcade" on blogger. Stop by, read some lists, and say "Hi!", (tell him Prophecy sent you).)

When I got up this morning I wanted to catch-up on my Netflix DVD's that have been here for a bit. This mornings pick was "I Hate Valentine's Day" (Nia Vardalos and John Corbett; a very cute movie--a lot of people didn't like it, but I did (but then again, I am a geekette and I love my movies--good, bad, it doesn't matter, if it catches my interest I will watch it...which it turns out is not such a good thing sometimes)). So, as I was watching the previews (one of my favorite things to do) I saw some previews for movies that I had previously seen, because of the preview, but the movie completely sucked.

So, this got me thinking: what previews have I seen that made me want to watch a movie, but the movie sucked? Well, here's my list (no particular order):

1. Gamer -- I lovelovelove Gerard Butler; and this movies suckedsuckedsucked. The preview looked really good, but the execution was "meh". Maybe it was because I had just watched "Surrogates" (a Bruce Willis movie that I thought was much better) before it, but I just couldn't get into it. (It's set in the future where humans can control other humans (mainly criminals; sometimes other humans) and kill each other in a large-scale online gaming world. Surrogates is set in the future where everyone has access to robot "surrogates" that they can control; there is a difference, trust me -- it's the "robots".)

2. 9 -- This is an animated movie brought to us by Time Burton; Tim Burton had nothing to do with the story or animation--he just "threw the money" at the director and said "make it so". The preview caught me, and I could not wait to see it. So Mr. Burton, you got my $9.00: I hope you are happy, I'm not. (The movie, also set in the future, but on another "earth" -- postapocalyptic dolls. That's not what made me not like it, it was that the director/writer couldn't commit on one thought. Halfway through the movie, the plot changed somehow and it went in a different direction.)

3. The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard -- I am a Jeremy Piven fan. This movie preview caught my attention (not enough to see it in the theatre, but I saw it on DVD), and I could not wait to see it. Almost all of the funny bits of the movie were in the preview. (That seems to be the M.O. for previews.)

4. The Maiden Heist -- I saw this preview on several different DVD's. It looked good, had a great cast (how can you miss with Morgan Freeman, William H. Macy, and Christopher Walken?); the story looked entertaining (in order to save the artwork they were watching over, 3 security guards decide to steal them); the execution...not so much. I fell asleep through it half way and had to go back to watch what I missed, which was a complete waste of my time.

5. Burn After Reading -- I love the Cohen Brothers. I really loved this preview. Even after watching it twice (once at the theatre (thankfully it was a free movie, AMC Rewards=happiness), once on DVD with the Hubby), I didn't like it. (I can't even describe it, that's how bad it was for me.)

6. Step Brothers -- I like John C. Reilly; Will Ferrell, it's time to go away for awhile. Wil Ferrell is suffering what Jim Carrey suffered when he came to the movies....oversaturation. This movie is about two grown-up men still living at home with mom and dad. The preview looked somewhat entertaining, I thought it was going to be a good movie: WRONG. I was watching it more for John C. Reilly than anything, but, wow, just horrible.

7. In Bruges -- Yeah it won some awards. The preview caught me and it has a story that sounds really good: a hitman screws up so he and his partner are sent to Bruges to hide out until everything cools over. I like Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleason, and Ralph Fiennes, but this movie was just boring. That's the problem with most "independent" movies, they have a great sense of themselves as being this powerful, wonderful whatever, but it's just plain boring.

8. Becoming Jane -- I've recently become a Jane Austin fan. I've only read one book, so far, but I'm getting into her. The preview for this movie really made me want to see this movie. But it was boring as life in the 1800's (or whatever era it was) for women.

9. Pathfinder -- I saw this preview at a convention years ago. Todd McFarlane, I think, was producing it (I know most people won't know who he is, he's a comic book writer/creator "Spawn", toy maker (a very good toy maker, although you can't really play with the toys too much or they will break)). The preview looked really great. The story sounded good: It's about Viking's fighting Native American Indians, a young Viking gets left behind and lives with the indians; then the Vikings come back. Karl Urban and Clancy Brown (two actors I really like), couldn't get me interested in this movie at all.

10. Kill Bills (Vol. 1 & 2) -- The preview(s) looked really good. Uma Thurman stars in these revenge flicks directed by Quentin Tarantino. Uma Thurman is a good actress. Quentin Tarantino is a good director. These movies aren't that good. They did not catch my attention at all (I watched the 2nd one because my Pocket Ferengei wanted to...he liked them).

So that's my list for this Sunday. Next week I'll have my list of movie previews of "Movies I Loved/Liked -- But The Preview Was Completely Misleading".

Have a great Sunday!

[Oh, what did I mean by tell Conlon "Propehcy sent me"? Well, as a geekette (I think still in good standing) I used to get together with him and a group of friends on Sunday nights (and some Tuesdays as well) and we'd play a role-playing game called "Champions". He was more prolific with characters than I was, but my favorite character to play was "Prophecy" (a psychic chick who served as the novice of the group -- i.e.: I had no idea what I was doing, but they let me play along anyway.) Ahh, the memories.] More on that later!

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