Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello, It's Me.

So, I have decided to blog. I've been a long-time lurker, now I have decided today is the day for me to "come out". Let's get started shall we.

As an introduction, I am a GOFOR at a legal facility somewhere in the northeast (the smelly part). GOFOR meaning: "Gofor this, Gofor that, Gofor food", etc. -- (you get the picture). I am married (and since this is the northeast: I'm a she and hubby's a he). Never thought it'd happen, but I'm glad it did. The hubby will be mentioned as "the hubby" or "my pocket Ferengei" (for those Star Trek fans -- and friends of the hubby -- if there's something that you need, he can help you find it!) He's a good guy, a little strange (emphasis on the "little" part because he's shorter than me, not that there's anything wrong with that -- heck I married him!), and whatever he does it's always with good intentions. (My own private "Polyanna" as it were.) He himself is a slave working on computers.

We live in a Hobbit Hole (actually, no, we live in a nice cottage; he tries to make it into a Hobbit Hole every summer with his gardening [yes, pictures will be posted later when I've figured it out]) with The Florence Fuzzies: our kitties - Miss Priss, her sister Boobookitty, Phoebe, Murphy (the Dude, our KKKitty - more on that later), The Spazz and our lone old man guinea pig: Chocolate Moose (ancient at 7 years old). This makes for a warm, happy existence for all.

As we were driving in to work (we share my car) today a thought popped-up in my head: Coffee! What's my favorite brand? We had stopped at Wawa so I could get my lunch, in order for me to do that I needed a sip of coffe to wake myself up. So I grabbed a 20oz coffee from Wawa. It's not bad coffe. I have had worse, but I've had better. So it got me thinking: what is the best coffee out there? Here's my top 3:

1. Dunkin Donuts (regular).

2. Maxwell House.

3. WaWa (regular).

I know a lot of people love coffee, I'm just wondering what's your favorite? What am I missing out there? Feel free to post your opinion, I'd be glad to hear from you.

Well, it's off to the slave mines for me. More later.

2/19/10 -- I have found a picture of a portion of my Pocket Ferengei's garden. This is from Summer 2009.


  1. Dunkin Donuts all the way :)

    Hey, where's the photo in your banner taken? It looks familiar, like a hiking spot in NJ somewhere I've been.

  2. Good morning Tommy. I am sitting on top of "Chimney Rock" in Chimney Rock, North Carolina. [The movie "The Last of the Mohicans" (with Daniel Day Lewis) was filmed in the Chimney Rock park. And Dirty Dancing was filmed somewhere below me on the river.]
